Cottony Soft Hands?

2 posted for the Standard  #CousinEddie

A baker’s dozen, plus one posted this fine breezy spring morning for a #MMM full body up and full body down workout.  Here’s a synopsis of the thang:


1 loop around the school and grab your bells to COP

Disclaimer was given while all were in front leaning rest postion


The ‘Merican push-up X 15

SSH X 31

We had to stop because Shaken and Moses bailed out, abandoning their posts.  This was fully intentional and totally unprofessional.  #embarrassed

The Windmill @ 15

IST X 15

Parker Peter X 15

SSH continuing to X 50 from where we left off.  Shaken and Moses were both reprimanded and vowed to fall in line for the rest of the workout


Grab the bell for X15 of: (UP)

2-legged calf raise

Slow squat


Chest press

Lawn mower left

Lawn mower right

Shoulder shrug

Skull crusher

Full curl

Overhead press


Mosey to pull-up bars for 10 pull-ups and 10 burpees

Continue to mosey around the rest of the school and circle up for round 2


Grab the bell for X15 of (DOWN)

Overhead press

Hammer curl (7 + 8) switching arms

Skull crusher

Shoulder shrug

Lawn mower left

Lawn mower right

Chest press

Alternating LBC

Slow Squat

2-legged calf raise


Mosey to pull-up bars for 10 pull-ups and 10 jump-tuck burpees

Continue to mosey around the rest of the school and circle up


Maybe we did the parker peter here?  IDK

8-count burner

Bring bells under cover for MARY:



The Dying cockroach

The W

Little baby extension

Shoulder-touch ‘Merican

Hand-release ‘Merican


Recover X 2


Naked Moleskin:

  1. Thanks for posting today, Gents.  Always a pleasure and honor to lead
  2. After the off-the-rails behavior by Shaken and Moses, things settled down
  3. Jersey Boy noted how his “cottony soft hands” were one of his most coveted features.  That’s really sweet, I think.
  4. Nice to see Eeyore this morning- you too can become a regular at MMM
  5. Over budget complained about the hammer curls, but I think he was just looking for attention.  He got it.
  6. Omega identified the up and down theme while noting he held off on busting out the sleeveless shirt.  But it’s coming.
  7. Make it a great week, guys!