5x5x5 Night Ranger





5 x 5 x 5 (30 minutes)
5 stations, 5 exercises per station


Station 1
15 Derkins

15 Curls
15 squats

15 Carolina Dry Docks

15 American hammers


Station 2

15 Incline Merkins

15 Skull Crushers  

10 Lunges each leg with block

15 dips on the block

15 WW2


Station 3
5 Stretches


Station 4
Shoulder Tap Merkin

15 Mike Tyson

15 Chest Press
15 Glute Bridges (Rodeo)

15 LBCs


Station 5
5 count merkin time bomb  

Colt 45

High, Low, and full curl

Around the world – 15 trips each way



  • Tip of the hat to Freedom for the Cindo de Mayo gear
  • Great to have Nitestick join us for tacos 
  • Good job on swanson for the pre-run