Size Matters

The Thang:

Couple of warm up exercises and then we were off:

It was a more sane version of the horseshoe (meaning less hills and less distance), otherwise exactly the same and thus, Outlaw approved.  In between running to one end of the parking lot or the other and returning, we did the following Horseshoe progression of 5 exercises, adding one each time up to 5, then removing one back down to 0.  They were:

  • 25 squat thrusts

  • 25 mason twists (left and right is one)

  • 35 curls

  • 35 chest press with low flutter

  • 10 8-ct burners

Once done, run a lap around the church and 5 burpees, then start again:

  • 25 merkins

  • 25 WW2 sit-ups

  • 35 skull crushers

  • 35 Freddy Mercuries (no one got this far)

  • 10 burpees (no one got this far)



Size matters – ask Cherry Bomb and confirmed by Uncle Rico.   Cherry Bomb came out of the gate fast but the 35 or 45lb kettle bell caught up with him. 

Scrappy kicked a$$ as normal, short arms equals quick work, ask Moses, try as he may to keep up, he had twice the distance to travel and that matters too.

This was a you v. you work out and everyone pushed hard, great work.

Thanks to Cherry Bomb for reaching out to lead.  Happy to lead these fine men.