Could’ve Used More Kettlebell

Event Date

May 07, 2021


10 x SSH (IC)

10 x Grandma Maters (IC)

10 x Toy Soldiers (IC)

10 x Windmills (IC)

RoL /LoR

Arm Circles forward and backwards


Start at the bottom of the parking lot and do 15 reps of the first exercise on the first row, then 10 reps at the second row, 5 reps at the first row, then Zamporini back to the first and then proceed in the same pattern with the next exercise until exercises are complete. 


15x, 10x, 5x KB Uhauls IC – Goblet Lunge between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Lawn Mower Pulls IC (each arm) – Goblet Quadraphilia between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Skull Crushers OYO – Iversons between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Curls OYO – Goblet Carry between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Goblet Squats OYO – Goblet Karaoke Left between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Swings OYO – Goblet Karaoke Right between rows

PAX choice round

10x Blurpees, courtesy of Mulligan

10x Bell Merkins (5 each side), courtesy of Squeeze


15 x LBC (IC) 

10 x Low flutter (IC) 

10 x Pretzel crunch, each side (IC) 

10 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)



Mully was sporting the c-block today. Made it look easy. 

Sparrow mistook "goblet" for "gobble". His turkey call is uncanny.

Squeeze showed great mercy during his turn at round robin.

Iron Horse shared his knowledge on body armour.

The kettlebell was kicking YHC's butt this morning – spent way too long apart from it.


ReflectionPhil 4:8 ESV

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.