Agility drills playing with the boyz

Event Date

May 15, 2021


3 men posted to enjoy the SVU agility challenge!


10 x Toy Soldiers

10 x Copper squats

15 x Plank Jax

10 x Mericans

10 x Grandma Maters

The Thang

Mosey to back, max pullups.  Had to audible with lower pax numbers so gave the 2 there the choice between Michelle or a block.  Block chosen.

Mosey to the front entrance.  Playing with the boys plays over the backpack speaker.

Kenny Loggins – Playing with the Boys – YouTube

Watch this, will be the most productive 4:11 you ever had.    

Mosey to the clubhouse with one pax carrying the block and 2 other pax side shuffle while tossing a weighted bball back and forth.  Swap intermittently on the way. Music plays along the way.  

At the clubhouse two rounds:

Round 1: Two pax jump squat with weighted bball and launch it into the stratosphere to be caught by the pax on the other side and pass back.  20x and is counter.  Other pax does curls for girls and rows. 

Round 2: Two pax lay down head to feet and pass weighted bball back and forth from legs to hands and to other pax.  Other pax does 10 x block burpees. 

Repeat both rounds.  Cheetah joined us for round 2!  Late arrival for some moving truck debacle  and he forgot his password for uhual account: 20@!GroynP011ed. 

Mosey back with one pax carrying block and other 2 doing the shuffle drill with ball on the way back.  Dandelion has a real sweat going at this point.

Mosey to back and 10x pull ups and 10 x hanging toe touches.  Repeat after 10 count.

Mosey to AO.    


By committee:

15 x Rosalita Whips Shirley

15 x Freddy Mercury Strudel

10 x JLo Cheetah

30 x Flutter kicks Dandelion

Reflection: Romans 5: 3-4

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”

Mater shared this verse with me this week after he received it as encouragement.  I like the sequential logic that progresses to hope.  Everything around us tells us to avoid suffering and pain (just watch a drug ad on tv and listen closely and watch) but that may not be the best path when we personally witness the good things that follow the trials and tribulations in our own lives. 


Strudel was a machine for the side shuffle, 1 mile shuffling and throwing a 10# ball back and forth and it was hard to keep up with him.

Dandelion was brainstorming all the great things he could do with new found agility to include spidery-type exploits.

Cheetah joined us late but glad he showed up, introduced the globetrotters weave passing drill at the end. 

Fair Winds and Following Seas
