Thank You for Your Support Brothers

Event Date

May 12, 2021

FNG-1 is Short Sale



10 Arm Circles IC every which way

10 Windmills IC


20 Pull-ups OYO

The Thang

Mosey to the top of the parking lot

15 Burpees OYO

Karoke to the other side of the parking lot

20 Squats OYO

move down one row 

20 lunges OYO

Karoke to the other side of the parking lot

20 Merkins OYO

move down one row

20 Carolina dry docks OYO

High knees to the other side 

20 jump squats OYO

move down one spot 

20 Reverse lunges OYO

Sprint to the other side

20 Merkins OYO 

Quadraphelia to the other side

Mosey to the blocks

6 exercises with the blocks

1. Curls

2. trifecta

3. Bent over rows 

4. Bench press with the block

5 Skull crushers

6. Over head press

The remaining PAX farmers carry two blocks to the bottom of the walkway then mosey back. Then the group rotates exercise and the next guy moseys down to the blocks and farmers carry them back up until each PAX member goes twice with the farmers carry and does each exercise twice. 

mosey to the bottom of the parking lot and do quadraphelia all the way back up to the launch pad



20 Rosalita whips IC

10 scissor crunches IC each leg

1 minute of low plank 

30 seconds of low plank right arm up 

30 seconds of low plank left arm up 

10 seconds low plank 

10 seconds high plank 

recover recover


Romans 5:3-4

Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. 

It has been a tough week for me. My father died last week and we were burying him the day of the workout. I can't tell you how great the support has been from all my F3 brothers. I got this bible verse from Iron Horse the day my father died and it really helped every time I read it. My whole family was crying one night before the funeral and I read this verse to them and it kind of calmed all of us. I can't tell you how much it means to me and my family how you guys stepped up for us during this rough time. Thank you very much brothers
