
FNG-1 Helo. FNG-new named Delta!


Great works gents, less complaining than anticipated.  Great work Kosar, Smokey, Hoodie, Turnpike, Spreader and many more!  If you did all sets you ran about 2.5 miles and did 59 of each exercise.  Some did extra: Smokey, Hoodie, and Kosar.

Awesome crowd, great to see everryone and an FNG naming!

What we did:


Quick warm up then once 4 minutes in I did some explaining so we would have 40 minutes to complete the following:

5 exercies, start with burpeees, run a bit, do squats, run a bit, do merkins, run a bit do WWII, run to pullup bars and do pull ups.  Run all the way back to the start.  We 7 rounds, with prime numbers of each exercise starting with 17 and working out way down, last round we did 2 of everything on the way down and 1 of everything on the way back.  We even had time for Mary…this tells me we may need to start with 19 next time!

17, 13, 11, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1
Pull ups