Thats not a bell

Event Date

May 20, 2021

After much twitter chat a few gents met and ran a standard of some distance.  not sure who or how far as I was most concerned about having a decent plan for the 5:30 show and not running out of gas.

We warmed up, mosey and some exercises.  We then grabbed our bells and Zamperinied to the side lot and got to work.  It looked like this…we would do 3 exercises and run a lap, do 3 more, run a lap, 3 more, run a lap.  Some we did in cadence, some on my up, some OYO.  First round was 20 of the following, second round was 16, third round was 12.  I think it was after the second round we did some stretching/pigeon.

Swings, Curls, Goblet Squat
Skull crusher, Shoulder Press, WWII Sit ups
Chest Press, Merkin, Big Bay Crunch w/ bell sit up type awful things
Zamparini as far as you can back to the start.  From there switch up the tunes and put on some Moby Flower.  Start in a curl with arms 90 degrees.  When Moby says up do the upwards part of the curl and when he says down come back down to 90 degrees.  
Recover Recover
A few things, Moby could shorten his songs by 20-30%.  We all gave up with what turned out to be about 15 seconds left.  
Second, Qbert has a large bell that is also heavy.  9 lives has a large bell that is hallow.  Qbert was also worried we would only do 1 excercise with the bell so I hope he left with his expectations blown.
Thrid, Cherry Bomb seems like he has been to Dragon Slayer a few times, working hard to motivate the Q to move to smoother ground. Eventually it worked and it was amazing.  We wouldnt have done pigoen without it.
I had about 33% of my Weinke unused…I dont get to say that often so I look foward to using the rest of it soon.
Nice work gents!