Goodlife celebrates everything

Event Date

May 19, 2021

I've got to thank Honey Suckle Blue for introducing me to F3 and bringing me in. I have gotten in better shape, been around good examples of fathers and leaders and have done more praying than I have in a long time. Also somehow became MQ.. 

5:30 sharp start time. 


Disclaimer for risk management purposes..

20 Side Straddle Hops

10 Abe Vigodas(super slow)

Downward dog to stretch those calves for 30 seconds into catchers pose for whatever that does.

The Thang

Mosey further to Which Wich

20 Muhammad Alis


Partner work 100 total lunges then taking turns running

Partner work 200 Merkins then taking turns running

Partner work 300 Squats then taking turns running

Then mosey on to Rubbermaid by way of the generally unsafe bridge.

More Partner work

Half bear crawl/run length of median

100 ww2 situps

Half bear crawl/run length of median

200 Carolina dry docks

Half bear crawl/run length of median

300 LBC

Mosey back to AO for some Mary and some much needed mobility for this aging squad. 

We had some great mumble chatter and even a new face in Crocs at Hollywood.

If you made it this far, throw me a T-Clap will ya?
