BEERNADO II: the crowning of Cherry Bomb

FNG-1: true FNG (first post is Beernado, that's a unique badge)

FNG-2: Yogi (Swanson's daddy)

FNG-3: PB&J (9-Lives 2.0, no comment on beer intake)

Spectators: Huckleberry, Jenny, Carpetbagger

After the popularity of BEERNADO Part I our brave MQ extended the invite to continue the tradition, so here we are.  The Beernado challenge is simple, it's a full hour Sharknado, but with two twists.  First, the lap is longer… down two levels of the Discovery Place Kids parking garage, around the green, back up three flights of stairs (I clocked 3.75 miles on 15 laps!).  Second, there are adult beverages involved.  Scoring was simplified this year, lap = 1 point, light lager = 1 point, shot standard = 2 points, tall pint IPA = 2 points, challenge cans (mostly wine) = 3 points.  Most guys could get 12-16 laps, the challenge is how much you can work out your liver along the way.

Sadly, Pit Stop finds himself as the Second Annual First Loser.  The winner was Cherry Bomb who showed up ready to WORK, burned out a bunch of fast reps and a Twisted Tea along the way… and pounded an IPA to close it out.  Smart strategy.  But adding insult to injury for Pit Stop… Taco Bell was closed last night.  That's just mean.  Better luck next year buddy!  Plaques or a trophy has been discussed, perhaps if we're dumb enough to do a Beernado III…