Something Happened


FNG-1: Bondo
FNG-3: Yogi

Warm O'Rama
SSH x 25
Carrot Pullers x 15
Windmill x10
Toy Soldier x10ish, counting mistakes were made

The Thing
Mosey Down Ramps and outside to Rock Pile, pair up, 1 rock per Team
Stairs to inside parking deck to top level
DORA (Partner 1 runs down 1 level and comes back up stairs, Partner 2 does the rock work)
200 skull crushers
200 curls
200 press

Quick shoulder mobility moment

Mosey to rock pile, return rocks, head outside to picnic tables
Partner AMRAP (Partner 1 takes a lap, Partner 2 does bodyweight work until they return)
Lap 1 – calf raises
Lap 2 – plank
Lap 3 – merkins
Lap 4 – WW2
Lap 5 – dips
Lap 6 – WW2
Lap 7 – merkins
Lap 8 – plank
Lap 9 – calf raises

Name-o-rama for Randy, newly dubbed Bondo. Many complaints were registered and all thoroughly ignored, including the insinuation I cannot count (potentially true). Tacos and beer after closed out the workout nicely.