Field trip to a school

Event Date

Jun 12, 2021


A week after probably the biggest turnout ever to BRP it was followed up with 4 of the strongest from LKN who showed up for a trip to play with the new toys at Hough High.



  • Mosey from parking lot towards Hough High. Stopped after about .5 miles for some stretching
    • SSH x 20
    • IST x 20
    • Toy Soldier x 10
  • Mosey to the back of Hough where we found all the fun toys


The Thing

  • 5 stations as follows
    • Pull up bars x 10
    • Dip bars x 10
    • Monkey bars: climb across
    • Wall: Climb over/5 burpees
    • Water jugs: facing the tennis courts the entire time walk around the four poles
      • Repeato x 5
  • Mosey to track bleachers over the dreaded field that took Moses down a little while back
  • Running up and down bleachers (up 2 down 2)
    • Round 1: Touch every step
    • Round 2: Touch every other step
    • Round 3: As many steps as possible
  • Repeato but with jumping instead of running
  • Mosey back to launch with pit stops
    • Pit stop 1: LBCs x 20 IC
    • Pit stop 2: X's and O's x 15
    • Pit stop 3: 20 WW2 sit ups
  • Mobility minute back at launch
  • Recover Recover



  • Shoutout to the 3 staples of BRP Jersey Boy, Moses, and Waffle House for posting after my PB called for much running
  • Moses led the pack moseying from station to station… might have something to do with those long legs
  • Jersey and Waffle did great especially considering each were ready to stay home after reading the PB


Calendar for July is wide open, BRP is a great AO and would love to have you Q!