Stations at Cauldron

FNG-1 = Kilt.  

About 8 pax arrived in time to see YHC and Kosar cross the finish line of the standard, then a few more pax rolled in, then Die Hard, then finally Titan.  Here's what they got for showing up…

Carry your KBs over to the DPK front entrance – this is the weight room where the bench pressing takes place.  However there's also a stack of offset cement squares which often lends itself to shennanigans 

On the way, the pax couldn't help notice strategically placed signs, cones, cinder blocks and kettle bells. 

Warm-o-rama of the usual:  SSHs, ISTs, Long Snappers (TN style cux it feels good) and Windmills.

The Thang:

Broke the pax up into 4 groups of 3, 3, 3 and 4.  Each group started at a different station.

Station 1:  Each pax on a different bench, each bench with 2 KBs.  20 KB presses, 10 KB flies.  Repeato. One of the benches had mine and Ultraman's 35 pounders.  You're welcome.

Station 2:  4 cinder blocks were magically awaiting the pax for step-ups.  AMRAP til station 1 finished and yelled "SWITCH".

Station 3: 3 cones were magically awaiting the pax for suicides (not w/ KBs or blocks).  AMRAP til the switch.

Station 4: 4 cinder blocks were magically awaiting the pax here for curls.  AMRAP.

At each SWITCH, the groups moved to the next station, which were spread out the length of the lawn in front of the deck. 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and group 4 runs back to station 1.

After a repeato of the whole thing so the pax could get it right, the Q called all pax over to station 1 where we did KB Lawn Mowers x 10 each arm and KB Skull Crushers x 25 (ouch).

Slow mosey carrying all the cinder blocks and KBs to stations 3 and 4.  Blocks and bells down, mosey to the top of the parking deck.

MWAR (Mary With A Rope).  All 13 pax took a turn with it.  Recover, recover, sunrise.


The heavy moleskine:

YHC attended MQ skool twice yesterday, and learned a lot.  Thanks to TurnPike and the pax for passing along so many great thoughts.

First YHC would like to thank The Force for Qing the workout this morning.  It was amazing and tremendous.  And spectacular and pectacular.  Well planned and even more well executed.  Thank you for your committment to F3, for your leadership, your creativity, your preparation, your impressive level of fitness, your wit and so much more you bring to F3 Nation day in and day out.  Finally, your rope is an impressive one.

Thanks and t-claps to Kosar who ran to the workout, ran the standard with YHC, then ran home after coffeteria.  Kosar has also dropped about 40 lbs since his welcome back kotter not long ago.  If looking to shed some pounds, reach out to Kosar.

A great Q has repeatedly stated both at his workouts and in his BBs:  "The instructions were both clear and simple…"

There was confusion at first, but after a 2nd round of each station the pax picked up on things and found a way to get in a good workout (hopefully).

These may have been the first suicides to be run at Cauldron.

KettleBabe showed up early enough to read the signs at each station, yet for some reason still appeared confused by what to do.  In his defense, station 5 did mysteriously disappear.

Kilt showed up to his 1st Cauldron workout showing off a 53 lb kettle bell!  Um, wow.  YHC couldn't help but take notice and admitedly stared at it.  A lot.  Used to think mine was big til YHC took a look up at the Kilt's. *surprised*

T-claps to Rocket, who repeatedly found ways to compliment YHC and praise the almight Tar Heels.  Your respect was noted and the complex formula adjusted.

KettleBabe (Blackbeard) mentioned early in the workout we should go to the top of the deck to enjoy the sunrise.  YHC took note – as any good MQ would – and obliged toward the end.  What? Not my fault that also just happened to be where my big, long, thick, black… was waiting for him.

As punishment for calling burpees doing MWAR, Kosar was the only one who did burpees during MWAR.  Oh, AND he had to hold the big, long, thick, black rope and carry it down to ground level before putting it in the box.

Frontier is the first pax to be awarded a t-shirt but show up without it to the workout/coffeteria.  Don't make me take that back, young man!  But I suppose better than choosing to play basketball over attending the AO with said covetted t-shirt (Amen).

Prayers up to most certainly unstated requests and thoughts, but also to The Force and Happy Gilmore's neighbor Kristie who continues to fight beautifully and gracefully stage 4 cancer.  Not a day goes by we don't think of her and admire her, and draw strength from her and Ed.

Prayers also up to Sheila, former employee of The Force who for many years has kicked cancer right in the F'ING TEETH.  This week, she and her loyal husband have met with Hospice as they prepare for the end to just one short phase of her life and she looks to take a much longer and glorious journey with Him.  May your final time here be full of love and peace, Sheila.

Thanks again to The Force for an amazing beatdown followed by great coffee funded by Frontier this week, followed by yet another epic backblast and why?  Becaue the pax earned it and deserve it.  Aye.

The Force is out.
