Mmm California…Beautiful

13 Legends of Lake Norman learned way more about California than they ever wanted to at a pool workout at Croc's house. And 1 office intern showed up just for the beer. Here's their story bruh…

YHC rolled up early and got to hang with Freedom, Jaws, and Rodeo for a while. It was awesome cause I hadn't seen those guys in a while.

7:14pm the Standard guys coming back from the run…WTF is Camelback doing with them?! You are now a runner, sir.

Apparently some of the guys were on California surfer time, cause we didn't get going until 7:17ish.


California is warm so we don't need no warm up.

The Thang

Run ~1/2 mile to the new greenway bridge, which looks remarkably similar to Golden Gate Bridge.

What's the state mammal? Grizzly Bear. I think someone actually said Eagle.

  • Bear crawl across the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • At the other end we did California Dry Dock. That's like a Carolina Dry Dock except you just say "Dude" instead of the rep count.
  • After God knows how many "Dude's", Bear crawl back across the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Another set of California Dry Docks. Many "Dude's"

Now that everybody saw what a hot pile of garbage Northern California is, we did the ~1/2 mile run back to beautiful Southern California (Croc's House).

Where's the highest point in the contiguous US? That's right, California (Mt. McKinley).

  • 10X IC Mountain Climbers

Where's the lowest point in the continguous US? Uh, gee, could it be California? (Death Valley)

  • Jump in the pool and touch the bottom.

What year did California first acheive independence from a European Nation? 1821 Mexican Independance from Spain. Yes, California was first claimed by Spain and subsequently became part of Mexico.

  • 18X Burpees
  • Jump in the pool
  • 21X Rosalita (10.5X IC)

What year did California become part of the good ole USA? 1848 as a result of the Mexican-American War.

  • 18X Bonnie Blairs
  • Jump in the pool
  • 48X Merkins (split into 2 sets of 12X IC)

Californians stinkin' love yoga. Mobility Moment Time!

When did California become a state? 1850. The US government heard something about gold found in California (ever hear of the 49ers?) so they thought it'd be good to get a piece of that through taxes. Compare that to Arizona who had to wait another 62 years for statehood. Sand ain't as good as gold I guess. Suck it, Arizona.

  • 18X Burpees
  • Jump in the pool
  • 50X Jump Squats (split into 2 sets of 25X OYO)

Time to go to Muscle Beach. Grab a Block! 10X IC each (about) of curls, skull crushers, 8 count body builders, shoulder press, standing chest press (baby throwers), and more merkins.

Circle up for Mary. I don't remember much about this except there were glute bridges (you get nothing for guessing who called it) and Crocs almost drowned trying to do these exercises in the pool.



  • People don't like doing mountain climbers and burpees shoeless. Whelp, that's California for you.
  • California eclectic music playlist included Weezer, Rage Against the Machine, No Doubt, and much more.
  • Crocs bought pizza, YHC brought a mushy nearly inedible watermelon. You're welcome.
  • This workout was hard. All PAX crushed it.
  • Hadn't seen Something in a while, but he was there. So that's Something.
  • Camelback resisted many calls for him to jump in the pool clothes-on. Bring your suit bro, you deserve to cool off after all that running.
  • Pit Stop got a trivia question right. No prizes were awarded.
  • CB freaking killed it. Up to you to figure out which of the 3 CBs I'm talking about. Or is it all of them?
  • Enron showed up after the workout in khakis and untucked polo. Someone said it looked like the office intern had arrived. Chuckles ensued.
  • Awesome 2nd F time after this not-so-easy 1st F. Thank you Crocs for opening up your backyard and pool, providing some food, and just being a good dude.
  • I like California, but we moved here for a reason. Charlotte Metro > SoCal
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead. Love you all my dudes!