Bait and Switch at Emmaus

The Pax showed up in droves this morning, ready for a rainy Crocs Q. They got the rain, but not the Crocs – well, except for a mobility minute – filled with a bunch of 4 second stretches.

Two FNGs this morning made it all the more fun – welcome Terrell (from the University area) and Shaun (in town from Michigan).

Hors D'oeuvres

Disclaimer was given, standard warm up followed + the Lt Dan + Merkin Mountain Climber combo + some Bam Bams for good measure. 

Main Course

Mosey to the top of the Greenway. Choice given: 100 WW1's on the wet grass or run to light post at bottom of the hill and bear crawl back up.

Mosey to the fountain/flower garden for Hungarian Split Squats + Incline and Decline merkins.

Mosey to the Movie Theater for Mobility Minute. Lots of positions, none for very long. Later Crocs showed his supreme mobility by putting his legs all the way over his head and touching the ground while holding his feet – a move he claims to have learned at Pure Barre.

After mobility minute it was partner circuit, launching from under the awning. Partner Up.

  • Partner 1 does WW1 sit up while Partner 2 runs lap around theater, then flap jack. 
  • Partner 1 holds Peoples Chair while Partner 2 runs lap around theater, then flap jack.
  • Partner 1 holds Superman while Partner 2 runs lap around theater, then flap jack. 
  • Hold plank or glute bridge whenever waiting for other groups to finish

Mosey back to start for Mary / core work. Recover recover.


  • The mumblechatter was on point as usual this morning. It really only slowed during Lt Dan's when the Pax was attempting to count. 
  • Jimmy O only showed because he thought Crocs had the Q. Noted.
  • Great to have 2 FNGS at the workout today. Terrell is from Charlotte and planting a multiethnic church in the University area – I have a feeling we'll be seeing and partnering with him more in the future. Hope Shaun makes it back in town again soon, he wants to continue F3 in the Detroit area where he lives.
  • The July 4th 7.4 Run is tomorrow. Run, push, or give here:
  • Birkdale Fridays is on fire these days – something for everyone. Show up, push yourself, and get some coffee and fellowship in – great way to start the weekend 
  • It's an honor and privilege to lead you men in the gloom. Thanks for loosely following and giving me plenty to laugh at along the way.