Fun With Flags

At 0630, Coat Factory and YHC arrived at Mustang with a plan for some fun.  Our initial task was to set cones out on the field for some fun that would ensue 50 minutes later.  We finished just in time for the first few PAX to arrive.  We had 11 more join us, including some new folks. FNG-1 is Trey, another Engineer.  FNG-2 was Blue's Boy! At 0702, as Clark was getting the shovel flag out (and whatever else he was doing,) we began:


  • SSH IC x 20
  • Windmills IC x 10
  • Toy soldiers IC x 10
  • Cotton Pickers IC x 10
  • Grady Corn IC x 20
  • Washington Football Team Run around parking lot

The Beatdown

Head down to the field

  • Start at the endzone- do 10 merkins and 1 burpee, sprint to the other endzone, mosey back to 
  • 10 yard line- do 9 merkins and 2 burpees, sprint to endzone, mosey back to 
  • 20 yard line- do 8 merkins and 3 burpees, sprint to endzone, mosey back to
  • 30 yard line- do 7 merkins and 4 burpees, sprint to endzone, mosey back to
  • 40 yard line- do 6 merkins and 5 burpees, sprint to endzone, mosey back to
  • 50 yard line- do 5 merkins and 6 burpees, sprint to endzone, mosey back to
  • 40 yard line- do 4 merkins and 7 burpees, sprint to endzone, mosey back to
  • 30 yard line- do 3 merkins and 8 burpees, sprint to endzone, mosey back to
  • 20 yard line- do 2 merkins and 9 burpees, sprint to endzone, mosey back to
  • 10 yard line- do 1 merkins and 10 burpees, sprint to endzone

Circle up, count off (1,2,1,2……)

1's get blue flags, 2's get yellow flags

Fun with Flag football-  4 downs to the 50, if cross 50 you get an extra set of downs.  When a team scores, the opposing team does 3 burpees. Fun was had by all.


LBCs IC x 20

Recover, Recover

1 Timothy 6:11- But you, Man of God, flee from all of this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness


At first the PAX were impressed with our preparation and cone placement for the football field, but during the game there were are few comments about how crooked the endzone line was, even though the flags that were on the ground were 2 yards on either side of the actual "crooked line"

YHC accidently took Abrams out during a block when he turned his ankle, but quickly found out that this is a previous injury. Sorry brother!

Mater loved his burpees, He doesn't know this but I am making sure that he is doing the burpee challenge. You are finished with burpees for the weekend. You're welcome!

Both FNG's dominated the football field.  Blue's Boy scorched everyone on the field during the beatdown and Trey was everywhere on the football field during the game.

Mulligan finished a Triathlon Biathlon event at SVU before joining us

Einhorn and Blue, being the football player they are, lowered their shoulders for contact everytime the touched the ball.

Boone played running back and gained 30 yards every run

Clark had the perfect pass thrown to him but looked back a little to late and decided to protect his face. Good Choice!

YHC thought it was a good idea to have Shake Weight as QB because of his injuries but halfway through the game he joined in on the fun and defended against his own teammates interception. Thank you.

Lastly, Sonar kicked everyone's butt again. That guy comes to play!

Coat Factory, it was a pleasure to lead with you. Enjoyed it

Thank you everyone for coming out and allowing us to lead.  Keep Ziploc in your prayers.  We missed you out there pal. Looking forward to our Ruck together!

Always be Men of God and walk through life with righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness

God Bless,

Dr. Dolittle