basketball burpees and suicide runs

Event Date

Jul 12, 2021

Warm up:  SSH 20x, IST 15x, TS  15x, Windmill 10x

The Thang:

Mosey and line up near end of the parking lot

suicide runs to 1st basketball hoop, run back then KB exercise, run to 2nd basketball hoop, run back then KB exercise, run to 3rd basketball hoop, run back then KB exercises

Round 1 KB curls 20 each time back (total of 60)

Round 2 KB skull crushers 20 each time back (total of 60)

Round 3 KB shoulder press 20 each time back (total 60)

Round 4 KB squat 20 each time back (total 60)

Round 5 KB complex/ 8 count body builder 10 each time back (total 30)

Walk to homebase while doing around the world, then diamon merkins on KB 10x

Walk to pull up bars, zamporini, 90 degree hold, upright row

10 pull ups, lawn mower 20x, bent over row 15x

Walk back to homebase, zamporini, 90 degree hold, upright row

Basketball burpee, each PAX shot free throws, if they missed we did a burpee (2 rounds)


KB pull threw in plank 20, KB to your toe and back in plank 20, KB W 15x, low flutter while holding KB 15x, low dolly while hold KB 15x, stack the shelf 20


No Q registered so I took the lead!

Riverboat and Einstein ran the standard.

Riverboat, Hat Trick and I went 2 for 2 on free throws.

Titan did everthing to skip buprees, he went to get his own ball and seemed to always be chasing the ball and or dribbling but not doing burpees.

Yosemite and Stromboli quiet and strong as usual.