7/14/21 Hollywood

6 Pax out in the gloom for a sweaty workout.


We mosied over to the Rubbermaind parking lot for a good ole fashion beat down.

Did reps down on side of parking lot then ran a full lap around to end point.

10 Merkins in cadence

5,10,15,15,15 – Carolina Dry Docks – full lap

10 x 5 – WWII Sit Ups – full lap

50 – Squats with heels elevated on curb – full lap ( X 2) = 100 squats w/ 2 laps

25 (each side) – Suzanne Summers in cadence

25 (each side) Pillow Talk in cadence

50 calf raises – full lap ( X 2) = 100 squats w/ 2 laps

Walking lunges halfway down parking lot and back

Side Lunges halfway down parking lot and back.

Mosey back to cars

Dying cockroach

Homer to Marge