That is NOT how we do things here!

Upon arrival at DPK there was a motley crew of men with a barage of loud comments that sounded something like:

"What the heck are GoatBusters doing here? Are they lost this isn't Odessey"

"This is a burpee free / run free zone did someone tell Auto"

"I don't think he understands how things work here"

After that warm welcome 5:30am rang out and we rolled… well walked 25 yards to a nice place to circle up with a nice disclaimer. 


– SSH 20, IST 15, Windmill 10, Toysoliders 10 

4 Rounds of Bells:

1. Curls x 20, Shoulder Press x 20, Skull Crushers x 15, Up Right Row 20, Lawnmowers 15 each arm

Option for the Pax: Run a Lap or do 50 LBCs

2. On the ground: 30 chest press, 15 American Hammers, 20 Merkins, 15 V-ups, Crowd Pleasing Starfish 20 seconds

Option for the Pax: Run a Lap or do 75 LBCs

Repeato for 3 and 4 


Crunch Frog x 20, Pigeon, Merkins x 2, Recover Recover then off to Coffee


  • Great group of Pax who know what they want and don't want on their Friday mornings
  • Glad to hear Goat is holding up the economy with his multiple piece purchase of 100% cotton!
  • Keep and eye on TurnCoat and Titan who were going toe to toe and almost broke out in a dance off this could be trouble at future beatdowns
  • The Creeper Trail can be an up hill ride, Goat will give you the details
  • TopGun went from the bilge under a reactor to the back seat of the plane, strong career choice early in his career and a good story
  • TurnCoat lead the Pax on every lap but Tagless looked like the Norwigen at the Olympic Tri-athlon when he smoked eveyone on the back half of the lap to take home gold.
  • Many Pax got 0.0M of running today and some got close to a mile, either way everyone got exactly what they wanted out of the gloom.
  • Great coffeeteria and shield lock by these men, keep being your brothers keeper at the Cauldron
  • Thanks to the Force for the opportunity to Q a fine group of men, until the next time..