It was Burner Free

Event Date

Aug 05, 2021


We all showed up ready to roll, and Crocs even brought fresh blocks.  So we carried the blocks to the to the back and started our workout.


  • Lap around the parking lot
  • 25x SSH
  • 10x Toy Soldier
  • 10x Imperial storm trooper
  • 10x Long snapper
  • 10x slow windmill
  • 15x Mountain climber
  • 10x merkins

and then I surprised the PAX with a pigeon for good luck.


we grabbed our blocks and…

  • 10x curls
  • 10x right lawn mowers
  • 10x left lawn mowers
  • 10x chest press + abs
  • 10x rock the block
  • 10x weighted BBCs
  • 10x right Suzanne Summers 
  • 10x left Jane Fondas 
  • lap around half the lot

all in cadence.

and then we did it again.  And 1 more time for good measure.

Round 2

we moseyed to the wall and…

  • wall sit 1 min
  • exercise to distract
  • 10x Muhamad Ali's 
  • balls to the wall

we moseyed to the cars, stretched a bit, and recover recover.

637 calories burned, 1.75 miles covered, and 9 men ready for their days.