Magical Mystery Tour of Cornelius

Event Date

Aug 12, 2021


The preblast said mystery Q in hopes of drawing a larger number of pax. Well the plan didn't work fully but drew Bijoux and Jersey Boy in. 

Solo standard by YHC despite extending an invitation to join. 

5:30 – We took off with YHC giving a moving disclaimer to save time and bring more pain.

We moseyed to Walgreens and did Warm-o-Rama which consisted of SSH 20x IC, Carrot puller 15x IC, Windmill 15x IC, and IST 15x IC.

Next move over toward wall at Walgreens for people's chair hold it until done with air press 15x IC, touch dem heels 10x IC, and seal claps 12x IC. 

Next to front of police station for 10 step ups each leg and dips 15x IC.

Now mosey to Cornelius elementary to playground for 3 rounds of  Murph exercises broken up by a lap around birthday rock in front of school. 10 pull ups, 20 mericans, and 30 squats all OYO.

Then mosey away from playground toward Catawba Ave but still in front of school. We performed Bulgarian split squats 10x IC each leg, side plank Jane Fonda's 15x IC each leg, decline mericans 10x IC, and finished with 10 step ups each leg OYO for good measure. 

Next mosey across street and down Catawba to Court house/Town Hall where when we reached street corner one clean burpee per Jersey Boy's request, we lunged walked to front steps, then 5 mericans OYO on each step and plank walk up stairs stopping at each step for mericans, then 5 squats each step OYO until reach bottom.

 Then we moseyed to launch for Canuck's BMLF's 12x IC each leg followed by Bijoux LBCs 30x IC.

Recover Recover



COT- Thanks for taking us out Bijoux


Not a lot of mumblechatter this morning. Everyone crushed the workout and gave strong effort. 

Thanks for picking up the Q next week Canuck.

Canuck, Jersey Boy, and myself for Coffeeteria. 

Until next time,

Cousin Eddie