The Horseshoe August 2021

16 emerged from the gloom, 14 survived the warm-up and completed the August edition of THE Horseshoe


Mosey to the thoroughfare, avoid the beer trucks

Calf Stretches

Forward Fold

Long Snappers X 10

Windmills X 10

IST X 15

Mosey to the base of the hill, 5 rocks picked up on the way for first 5 back to the base of the hill each round – 20 curls

20 reps for 100 total in 10 laps of the ascending and descending pyramid that is THE Horseshoe of each of the following:





Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to the fire station

Pretzel crunch X 10 each side

Low Flutter X 20

Low Dolly X 20

Pleadge of Allegiance

Mosey back to the launch

Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Other than 2 brief sprinkles, rain held off for today. Someone very smart I know says the weather people are 50% wrong 100% of the time. He is not wrong.

2) Hat Trick poured cement and helped build Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem while in college, would love to help you with any of your cement/concrete pouring, did not smoke weed, lent co-workers money for lunch during the week when they spent theirs on weed and alcohol, swam frequently in the Quarry and drank beer with them, but never (again) smoked weed with them.

3) Please buy a copy of Uncle Rico's book – The Life Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit – so we can have a book club next month

4) Thanks to Caesar for taking care of his FNG – please come back and join us for a workout once the hamstring heals.

5) $150/ticket for App State parent game is highway robbery and criminal. I should know. I am the Outlaw.

6) Safe travels to Riverboat in Italy – do eat all the pasta and pizza you can there

As always, it wasn an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!
