A Clear and Simple Plan Turns Into a Complete Q Fail. PS Frogger is a swinger.

Not in the pax list = Change (one of countless 2.0's of Amen).  Great to have him – works hard and did everything we did. Didn't seem to phase him that he got put into a group without Amen.  Although the groupings were a pretty fluid situation…

AOL also not in the pax list.  Great meeting him!

So 15 plus the Q for a total of 16 (see, math really is my thing) showed up for something that really only happens once a month and they didn't want to miss it.  YHC had a plan all worked out for up to 16 just in case.  Arrived at 4:55AM to gather additional blocks and whip out my big, long, thick, black… rope and get all set up before Jersey Boy, Frogger, Kosar and YHC knocked out a 2 mile standard.  All crushed it (and it crushed me) so all was going well until…

Warmorama – typical and no problem.  Snoop Dog playlist was appropriate for this portion but YHC did promise to change it for the Thang.

Also a mostly typical disclaimer.  But added to it during warmorama when YHC let the pax know they'd be forming groups of 4 and that strength, speed, sexual orientation and penis size all would matter.  Wanted to give them all time to size up the pax to form optimal groups.

The Thang:

To quote an infamous Q and MQ: "The instructions were clear and simple."  Ok, they should have been simple but they were not clear.  Q fail.  What "should" have happened:

Group  (4 in each group):  Bench press and flies AMRAP

Group :  KB curls and Skull Crushers AMRAP

Group :  Jump ups AMRAP then Step-ups with block AMRAP

Group :  Run up the deck, exit the stairwell marked 2, down and back to the pax. (This group is the timer)

So the problem was there were a lotta bells, pax and mouths running, trucks raging by.  Plus the music. Plus the Q was wiped from The Standard.  We got mixed up from the beginning and about the 1st 2/3 of the workout were a mess.  We nailed it for the last 1/3 then it was time for MWAR.


Great to have 16 and almost as great was having 13 at coffeteria after.

Complex formula was updated throughout the morning and ta-da, we have a winner!  But do we have an appropriate shirt?  Yes, turns out we do.  Congrats to Frogger and wear that "Swinger" t-shirt with pride, brother.

Enjoyed meeting aol today at the workout and at coffee.

There's more and hopefully this BB (6:30pm on a Fri, still at the office) will be seen and responded to by the pax.

Oh, and Jersey Boy crushed his 1st Standard then later it was determined he also found his nuts.
