Taking Turns with the Big, Long, Thick, Black… Rope. And running in circles.

Event Date

Aug 31, 2021


Fallout is BACK!  Always loved this AO and look forward to Qing again and posting often.

Most were not aware it was the Q's b-day, but the secret got out quickly.  No, it's not time for "respect" just yet…

Just 6 of us today, and 1/2 put in work with a Standard before the rest of us even showed up.  YHC was there early to test out the plan, then we were all set (then 66 rolled in a few mins later…

Warm-o-rama:  The usual SSHs, ISTs, but then extra warming of the hammies, followed by…  yep – 49 merkins.  Better than 49 burpees everyone agreed!

The Thang:  The pax of 6 brought 4 cinder blocks out onto the soccer field, out to the middle where we found YHC's big, long, thick, black rope had already been whipped out.  Looped through a 35 lb KB and secured (somewhat) by 3 sand bags inthe middle of the circle.

So if the circle were a clock, the rope was extended to 12.  We placed blocks at 3, 6 and 9 (then 66 joined us and wedged in around 3:30).  1 man on the rope, one on each block, then 1 man at about 2 o'clock empty handed.

When man on the rope says "go", 2 oclock man runs past him and around the circle.  If he gets back to the rope before the man on the rope get's to 20 (that's 20 jerks of the big, long, thick, black rope with his hands), then runner wins.  Winner does 4 burpeed, loozer does 9 (see what I did there?).

Rest of pax on the blocks was doing full curls.  After the race, everyone rotates 1 counter clockwise (so runner is now on the rope). Repeato this until all the pax have been on the rope.

Then Overhead Press.  Then Lawn Mowers.  Then Skull Crushers.

Then Mary.  But despite the big, long, thick, black rope being right there, the pas unanimously agreed we'd all yanked it to much at that point.  So no MWAR.  Just Mary.


Appreciate this pax helping me get this bday started right.

Everyone won and lost in the race at least once.  All the burpees sucked.

Snake Eyes has gotten FAST!

It might seem like a growling, barking dog sounding viscious and snapping at you would make you run faster.  Not in 66's case today.  More so just tripped him up.  A lot.

By the end, most of the pax (YHC included) were taking the first block off after the burpees and running and rope.  The cinder blocks were the resting portion for sure.  But as a Q, anytime you see the Pax taking exercises off you know you're dishing out pain.

Again – very thankful to Tantrum for taking over as MQ here, and thus for all the other moves that had to take place with MQs, Titan location shift, etc.  Working together to keep F3 LKN strong. Aye.

The Force is out.
