Station Drills

Event Date

Sep 21, 2021


Warm up:

  • IST’s x 10 (IC)
  • Windmill x 10 (IC)
  • Mosey to the bottom of the hill, around the loop, back up to the rock pile

The Thang:


Station Drills

  • Station #1: 15 WW2 situps
  • Station #2: 15 curls (I/C), 25 low flutters (I/C), station #1
  • Station #3: mosey down to the loop: 15 merkins (I/C), 25 freddy mercury’s (I/C), mosey back, stations #2 & #1
  • Mobility minute
  • Station #4: 15 skull crushers (I/C), 25 pillow talk (I/C), stations #3, #2 & #1
  • Station #5: mosey up to the street lamp: 15 8 ct. body builders, 25 JLo’s (I/C), mosey back down and return your rock
  • Mosey down to the bottom of the hill, around the loop and back to CCC.



75 WW2 situps

45 curls (I/C)

75 Low Flutters (I/C)

30 merkins (I/C)

25 Pillow Talk (I/C)

15 8 Ct. Body Builders

25 JLos (IC)


By the Numbers:

Total miles: 1.79

Total calories: 479 cal

Average Heartrate: 120 bpm


Mild mist/rain kept us cool.