MJ MQ Celebration Day at The Estate

Event Date

Sep 25, 2021

10 PAX met in the gloom to tour the Estate grounds and inspect the equipment.  We may have done a little more "traveling" than some would have liked, but YHC was greatful for the PAX helping me shake off some rust.  It went a little something like this:

WARMORAMA: short lap around parking lot, circle up for SSH, IST, Toy Soldiers, windmill, slow deep squat, slow deep ;Mericans, all X10 IC.  THen partner up and pick an A/B partner.


As mentined we did some traveling, stopping at each playground/point of interest.  Partner A would do a major excercise (pullups, step ups etc. depending on the equipment) keeping time, partner B would do an ancillary excercise (WW2, LBCs, Dips etc), as many as they could do while waiting for partner A.  Then flapjack.  THats 1 round, repeato (allways 2 rounds).

Some other stops included finding some walls for peoples chair, did some running up and down the front steps and a few others.  All in all I think about 1.5 mi of "traveling" and circled up for some Mary/

MARY:  We went around the circle with PAX choice Mary.  Some excercises included WW2, LBC's, Side planks, a stretch (thank you 66), and the World's Fastests Box Cutter, presented by Elmers.

MOLESKIN:  It was a great day.  As I mentioned, YHC was a little rusty, and thank you to the PAX for helping to shake that off.  I think there was just the right amount of moaning and complaining to know it was the right level of pain.  A fuew highlights:

  • We enjoyed the cooler temps for sure.
  • We welcomed Peppermint Patty (FNG no longer) into the fold.  Great job AM-PM for bringing him in!
  • It was MJ MQ Celebration Day at The Estate, with several former MJ MQ's joining us.
  • We missed some Estate Faithful, but thank you to Blackbeard and Frogger for not letting the mumble chatter standard slip.