Dumbbells, Murder Bunnies, and Redrum Bunnies, oh my!

Event Date

Sep 25, 2021


6 appeared out of the gloom, grateful for a 50F morning, anticipating the awaiting commaderie, and super excited about the threat of murder bunnies and redrum bunnies.  All survived — tired and better.

SSH, Gma Maters, Windmills, Side-to-side lunges, Dippy Birds, Shoulder Touch Merkins
Parking lot fun: butt kickers + mosey back, high knees +mb, bear crawl/crawl bear

Block Retrieval…10/max pullups while you are back there

Circuit setup:
* LBH run (timer)
* 30# slam ball
* 30# dumbbell curls
* 25# dumbbell clean, hammer curl, press
* 15# dumbbell I-Y-T options
* merkin T-plank

Repeat-o Circuit

Block Mosey up to the Field That Shall Not Be Mentioned for a little finisher.
A: Murder Bunnies across field, 10 block burpee ManMakers, Redrum Bunnies back
***crowd pleaser***
B: Colt 45's + plank
flip flop

A: MB across, 10 cross presses, RB back
B: overhead block get up, stand up, press up for your rights!
flip flop

Return Blocks…10/max pull ups.

Quick Mary:
20x Freddie Mercury's
2×5 box cutters
'merican hammers

reflection: 1 Peter 2: 1-2
"So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it, you may be nurtured and grow up into salvation"
— Put it away: malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander.  It doesn't go away by itself.  A personnel intention and effort is required.  You are called to PUT IT AWAY!
— Longing: intense and unstoppable desire for more…I needed to check myself and re-focus what I'm longing for.
— You are being nurtured and impacted by everything around.  Only spiritual milk and walking in His will helps us grow up into the salvation plan He has for us.  Do not be distracted by things that tear you down, make you slothful, mis-focused.  Point to Him and His will in all you do.  
— Reflect and check yourself as needed.  Call me 704-340-4707 or reach out to another Brother if you need some accountability.
— None of us is perfect, but His grace is sufficient.  He loves you, wanting you to grow and thrive and fulfill your purpose.

– fair to say that everyone was remarking how long they were sore after last week's IPC challenge.
– Mulligan endorses Sunday morning shake out runs as key to last week's recovery.
– Strudel still has runner's glow from Friday Fun Run 50F temps.
– Tonka is feeling stronger, although still feeling affects of The Virus.  Dude still crushing it on the regular.
– Shirley still has afterglow from hearing, "Like a River" on the left coast.  
– Anvil bummed Shirley didn't drop and whip out some merkins.

It was an Honor to lead today fellas.  