Not on site Quiet Riot, Shammy, Frozen
Warm up: SSH20, TS 20X, windmill 15x, merkin 15x
The Thang:
4 rounds around the birkdale shops for a total of 3.1 miles with some speed work, fast sprint speed from victoria secrets to Gap and dicks to pure bar and normal speed everwhere else (speed range from 7-10 min/mile avg)
Some where unable to run due to injury etc so they did battle rope, KB skull crushers, KB curls, KB shoulder press while we ran.
Stop 1: man maker merkin 15x, alt lunge 20, russian twist 20
Stop 2: shoulder touch merkin 16x, squats 20x, heels to heaven
Stop 3: diamond merkins 15x, jump lunge 20, W 20x
Mary: plank, downward dog, pigeon
FNG Danny Brown visiting me from Arizona and Frozen visiting from Minnesota
Also nice to see my brother Easy out in Hville/Cornelius AO
Great group with some JAVA regulars and nubies, keep coming out to this great AO
Not much chatter with all of the running at different paces