Happy October Gents
Warm Up:
- SSH-20-IC
- CHS-20-IC
- GM-10-IC
- TS-10-IC
- R/L and L/R
- Down the Middle
- Arm Circles and Hugging
Mosey to the front of the gym for THAT THANG:
- Line 1: 21 reps
- Line 2: 15 reps
- Line 3: 9 reps
- Once you finish at Line 3 mosey back to Line 1 for a new round
- Round One:
- American Kettle Bell Swings
- Goblet Squats
- Overhead Press
- Round Two:
- Bell Curls
- Milk Jugs
- Skull Crushers
- Round Three: On Your 6
- Chest Press
- WW1s
- American Hammers…2 is 1
- Round 4: 15-9-3
- Lawn Mower Pulls…flapjack
- One Arm Kettle Bell Swings…flapjack
- Single Arm Overhead Press…flapjack
- 15 Bell Merkins..Flapjack and return to the launch pad
- Low Fludders-10-IC
- Dying Cocroaches-10-IC
- Pretzel Crunch-10-IC and flapjack
- LBC-21-IC
Recover Recover
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
Loved getting after it this morning honor to lead you men!
God Bless and Laces Out!