Charity in the Gloom

Event Date

Oct 02, 2021

Warm-o-rama: mosey at the parking lot circle up for some ssh, ist, toy soldiers, and windmill all X10 ic.The thing: mosey down to the lower playground for a quick circuit of Pull-Ups, dips, and world war II sit-ups. 10/20/20 for round one, 8/16/16 for round two, 6/12/12 for round three. Then we grab some blocks for the second circuit, curls, oblique rays right side, skull crushers, oblique raise left side. All 24 round 1, 16 for round two, and 12 for round three.Then we got thrown a curveball with an interruption by a charity event going on requesting some manual labor assistance, the pax where happy to oblige and proceeded to move a dozen tables, chairs, boxes, sandbags and even six soccer goals helping out a great charity event, and getting a pretty good workout in at the same time.After the charity moving, we circled back up to finish out with some overhead press, lawn mower right side, deadlifts, lawn mower left side. All 20 for round one and 20 for round twoMary: then we did round the horn for Mary with bicycle, pillow talk, heels to heaven, merkins, Suzanne Somers and low flutter. Sadly time expired before nacho got to call his burpees, all of the packs were really disappointed.