Time on Your Feet

Event Date

Sep 29, 2021



20 Cotton Pickers IC

Arm Circles in all directions

10 Sprinklers IC

The Thang

25 Merkins

25 Squats

25 LBC

.4 of a mile lap

25 Merkins

25 Monkey Humpers 

25 WWI

.4 of a mile lap

25 Incline merkins 

25 step up lunges each leg 

25 V-ups

.4 of a mile lap

25 decline merkin

15 pretzel crunches each leg

15 decline lunges each leg

Complete laps until your total of 3 miles

Recover recover

Isaiah 41:10 NLT

Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold up with my victorious right hand.


thanks to Dolittle for pushing me to put feet on the ground and get some more running in. 

Coat Factory showed up for some fun and left with the flag so he will have to come back soon.