The Blender 1,000 KB (actually 750)
20 SSH
10 Imperial Stormtroopers
10 windmills
30 KB swings
30 KB squat to press
30 KB skull crushers
30 KB curls
30 KB sit up to press
30 KB bent over rows
30 KB up right rows
30 KB lawnmower pulls (half each arm) +1
30 KB snatch each arm (half each arm)+1
30 KB press with low flutter
Repeat with 25 reps
Repeat with 20 reps
Recover Recover
Didn’t make it to the end. Only reached 750 reps with 250 reps to go.
Repeat with 15 reps
Repeat with 10 reps
Total: 1,000 reps (100 per exercise)
I planned for rain but it never did. We could have used it to cool things off. The humidity was thick.
Great work by The Force.
Flo borrowed this workout idea from a previous Ultraman beat down but made a few changes. Another change was made to remove shoulder press and substitute it with Sit Up KB Press. I liked the new exercise but it added too much time to complete. I will have to tweak the routine before I use it again.
Thanks to The Force for showing up and not making it a one man show. I am pretty sure he was hoping for something easier to get back into after taking a little time off.
This one will hurt later on today.