Pax not listed: Action
5 men showed for a multi level burpee fest. 1st Q in LKN since last Black Friday.
- Run around DPK
- Circle at the bottom of the deck:
- SSH X 15
- Windmill X 10
- Good Morning X 10
- IST X 10
The Main Thang (start at lowest level):
- PAX partner up. Pax 1 does exercise up deck while partner runs up steps to top and back down to meet partner. Then flip-flop.
- Round 1 was Broad Jump Burpees and Bear Crawl rotating every other level.
- Ends when team memeber gets to top while doing the exercises.
- Break (Cadence):
- 20 LBC
- 10 side leaning LBC
- Round 2 was back down the deck doing Broad Jump Burpees and Lunges rotating by level. This time the partner runs up deck and down stairs to meet partner.
- At bottom of the deck a round of 11's going up one deck length.
- 1 burpee and 10 Jump Squats. Up by one's at bottom and down by 1's at the top.
- At top of 1st level wind sprint down and then up.
- Due to wet ground, circled up inside the deck for Mary:
- Po called Crunchy Frog
- Swanson called Suzanne Summers
- Action called Bicycles
- Popcorn called the signature tempo low flutter.
- No news and no prayer requests
- Great to have the opportunity to Q Madsci again. Missed LKN. Good to be back.
- I loved to see Action out there at 9 years old. I did not know there were 2 5:30's when I was 9. He was a stud too.
- Even with Cheating, YHC still got smoked on the sprints.
- No BS calls for kind of a stupid work-out
- Gladiator decided to put up baracades and cones to try and keep us off the upper levels. It worked to an extent. Even thought this sounds like a 5 year old….we were here first!
- Po had the idea for his next Q to delegate the Q as his work-out. Genius.
- Po also climed to the roof of Main Street Coffee which people have dared him to do for a long time.
Privledged to lead some great men this morning.