We were Seen at Berean

Event Date

Oct 11, 2021


We cracked jokes the entire workout, mostly around our rock the rocks exercises.  But those of you who know, know that glute strength is imperative to back health.  So we did a lot.  And we were spotted by several people pulsating on our rocks, which may not have been the best look.

To start, we moseyed to the theater.


  • 25x SSH
  • 10x Toy Soldier
  • 10x Imperial storm trooper
  • 10x Long snapper
  • 10x slow windmill
  • 15x Mountain climber
  • 10x merkins
  • early pigeon

all ICA


we moseyed to the clubhouse and down to the rocks.  Our snakes hadn't come out yet, so we avoided the snakes in the rocks.

at the parking lot we…

  • 10x curls
  • 10x skull crushers
  • 10x weighted squats
  • 10x cheat press with glute bridge 
  • 10x rock the rock
  • 10x v-ups
  • sprint to the stop sign and back

not Once.  Not twice.  But thrice.

then we moseyed to the theater for a mobility / strength moment.

then to the wall for…

  • wall sits
  • 10x Muhammad Ali's 
  •  Balls to the wall

not once.  Not twice.  But thrice.

and we finished with a mosey back to the AO.

line of the day from Stray…"now I know why you're grunting during v-ups"

good work Men.  568 calories burned.  1.77 miles covered.