93 Men Lifted Up Our Fellow Man and Jumped Over Some Others. . .

Guest Columnist: Jersey Boy

As they always do when the call goes out, the men of F3 came together for Fescue (Jason Gustafson) to remind him that in his moment of heartache and loss, he has an extended family of brothers he can count on for support and encouragement. We may feel powerless to assuage the grief of Jason, his two teenage daughters, and all those who loved Elizabeth Gustafson, but by showing up in force this morning we sent a message that there are more people who care than he may realize. 

I attended Elizabeth's funeral and I saw hundreds of people coming out to honor her life and her legacy. I heard many of them testify to the extraordinary contribution she made to her family, her friends, and her community. The outpouring of love I witnessed moved me to consider my own legacy. Who will show up to my going away ceremony? What will be said about me when I'm gone? Will it be a series of obligatory, trite comments or the heartfelt, passionate displays that Elizabeth inspired in the people who knew her best? 

There is an enduring philosophical contemplation called memento mori, which is Latin for (roughly): "Remember that you will die." If we are not continually aware of the inevitability of death (and its capricious nature), then we cannot fully appreciate the gift of life or adjust our behaviors to ensure that our lives and legacies are meaningful. It's a thought worth considering for us all. 

Fescue, brother, I hope you know that you and your girls can call on any of us for help, fellowship, or encouragement. You have a long road ahead and if we can make your trip a little smoother in any way, it will be our privilege to be there for you. 

My reputation for making up crazy exercises is well-earned, but I have to hand over the crown to Cobra Kai, whose creativity always keeps us on our toes. However, there were moments of mutiny when it seemed clear that the emotional burden of actual human-on-human contact outweighed the potential benefits of the exercise. Fortunately, our fearless leader was not deterred and all concerned were better men for showing up this day. 

While the occasion for our convergence was somber, that did not stop the Pax (93 strong) from injecting good humor and nonsense (which is never in short supply at any F3 gathering). That's certainly one way to lighten heavy hearts. I am honored to be included among this group of noble, wise, and witty men. 

Coffeeteria at Starbucks Birkdale was especially enjoyable because Fescue was able to join us for a while.

Go forth, gentlemen! Appreciate. Love. Lead. Express. Grow. Contribute. It's what we do.