The Complaint Department is “Closed”

Event Date

Oct 18, 2021


Canuck complained that our feet might get wet, and that his right arm hurt from too much golf, and that his legs hurt from too much golf and too much dog-walking.

Blackbeard, and even perhaps Lawn Dart, complained that we were running too far.

Eeyore complained that we started early and he couldn't get into the pretzel mobility pose.

I didn't hear complaints from Soprano or Bagboy.

It didn't matter anyway because the complaint department can't find good workers, so it is closed until further notice.

We launched into a good old fashioned Heaven n Hell extravaganza.

Boulders were slung.  Our bosoms heaved with cardio effort.  Bones creaked into mobility moments.  2 miles covered.

There was a fire truck and ambulance present with lights and everything.

Mayhem in the AM stopped in for coffeeteria from his morning at Arnie's.

A good time was had by all, and there was much rejoicing. 

GG sends.