6:59am….small group
7:00am…small group
7:02am..we all here
Lets Work
Warm Up:
- SSH-30-IC
- GMs-15-IC
- TS-15-IC
- CHS-15-IC
- Merkin-10-IC
- Right Over Left
- Left Over Right
- Straight Down
- Arm Circles
- Hug Yourself
Lets Mosey to the track and have a good time!
The Thang:
- Part One:
- 2 Laps around the track
- 50 LBCs
- 50 Low Fludders
- 50 American Hammers
- Wall Sit for the 6 and then REPEADO!
- Part Two: Home Bleachers
- 25 Pretzel Crunches Right
- Box Jump to the top of the concrete bleachers
- 25 Pretzel Crunches Left
- Plank for the 6 and then REPEADO!
- Part Three: Away Bleachers
- Sprint Up the Bleachers
- Shuffle the Bleachers
- "Sprint" down the Bleachers
- 50 Jane Fonda's per leg
- Part Four: Parking Lot Hill
- Sprint the Hill
- Mosey to the Bottom
- 15 WW1s
Return to the Launch Pad
- Core felt accomplished so we stretched it out
- On Your Six
- Left over Right
- Right over Left
- On Your Back
- Preztel Pull Right
- Pretzel Pull Left
- Groin Pull
- Lay There Like You're Dead
- Childs Pose
- On Your Six
Recover Recover
- Love God
- Love Others
- Make every decision in your life based on these core principles and your impact will be greater than you ever imagined.
Mumble Chatter:
- Marker is always the realest of the homies. 6:45 to run and stretch before we beatdown
- Pray for Maters butthole…don't ask
- Pray for Toto's half marathon ITG
- Bertha came, saw, and left early for a high school girls breakfast…don't ask
- Shake Weight needs advice on how to sprint without using his legs at all..My money says he will figure it out at Bourbon night tonight!
- Clark survived the spicy chicken sausage and made it out in the gloom and he didn't even have to warm up!
- Hefty..almost pulled the ole sign you up for the Q and sleep in but at 7:02am that glorious FJ Cruiser came flying in!
Always a pleasure to serve and lead this great group of men!
God Bless and Laces Out!