The key to stopping mumblechatter? Burpees, burpees, and more burpees

10 of the strongest PAX's were fooled by the PB and showed up for Burpees, Pull Ups, and Running.

9 Lives was on time for the standard and ventured out into the wilderness (not the AO) for his solo standard

YHC was late (seems to be a trend lately, need to work on that) and got 2 miles in around the church

Between 0520 and 0530 the rest of the PAX arrived and on we went, here's what happened.



  • Mosey to the right side of GCC
  • Popcorn slid into my DM's last night 😉 and put in a request for how we should start this morning, turns out he asked to cancel that request this morning, but alas my mind had already been made up. With that being said… 21 burpees OYO
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
    • Seems to me that we need to add some variety to our warm up gents, at least 3 PAX this morning automatically went to Imperial Storm Troopers after SSH's meaning were getting boring… lets get weird y'all
  • Hillbilly's x 10 IC
  • Long Snapper x 10 IC

The Thang

  • Mosey to back of GCC
    • 5 Burpees
    • Jump up stairs (jump on every step)
    • Run down ramp and back down
    • 10 Burpees
    • Jump up stairs (every other step)
    • Run down ramp and back down
    • 15 Burpees
    • Jump up stairs (as few jumps as possible)
    • Run down ramp and back down
  • Mosey to back parking lot
    • Run up and down hill
    • 1 Burpee
    • Run to parking lot island and back
    • 2 Burpees
    • Repeato until you got all the way to 10 burpees
      • This seemed to cut out the mumble chatter, thus my job was done, but the workout wasn't. Onward!
  • Mosey to pull up bars
    • 1 Pull Up
    • Run to bottom of hill
    • 20 WW2's
    • Run up
    • 2 Pull Ups
    • Run down
    • 18 WW2's
    • Repeato until you got up to 10 pull ups and down to 2 WW2's
  • Mosey back to launch to get there right at 0615

Recover Recover

Name o Rama



  • Workout Totals:
    • 106 burpees
    • 55 Pull Ups
    • 110 WW2's
    • Give or take 2 miles of running
  • 21 burpees is a great way to warm up, Cherry Bomb was calm cool and collected until we get to 15, then that's where his wall is
  • My age seemed to be a topic of conversation during the burpees, maybe because I said the workout we were about to do was gonna be easy "for me" even though I was kidding
  • There was a lot of talk about lack of variety, too many burpees, and my trend of always running a very small distance before stopping again… with all that Mumble Chatter I had to take matters into my own hands and continue to run short distances and continue adding in burpees.
  • Jobe crushed the pull ups and WW2's just flying up and down the hill
  • Don't do pull ups on the same bar as Cherry Bomb, it felt like when you get mega bounced on a trampoline with how much he moves that bar
  • 9 Lives was the leader of the Mumble Chatter, keep your eye on him if he ever shows up to your Q
  • Popcorn and Enron were connected at the hip all morning, you can tell they missed each other
  • Honeysuckle Blue, Nair, and Jersey Boy were quiet and consistent crushing the workout from start to finish
  • Always nice when Swing State shows up to your Q, he picked up the 6 throughout and probably didn't break a sweat
  • As Jersey Boy said during COT, read the BB's that get put out there, even if you didn't go to the workout, guys put a lot of work into them and the support is always appreciated
  • Contact DonHo if you're not running the Huntersville Half and would like to volunteer to run some water stations
  • Thanks Cherry Bomb for the opportunity to lead

Until next time……. Mr. Holland