It Pays to be a Winner

Event Date

Nov 02, 2021




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4 of the fastest pax in Isotope got them some GAGA. Here is their story:


Auto, Frodo & YHC met The Standard for ~2 miles




Run to the corner of Sedgebrook Ln & Kenton Dr

Burpees x 21 OYO

10 x 400s with exercises called by the winner after each segment and a short active recovery prior to each segment

Run hard 0.25 miles to Elevation Church; winner calls the next exercise (Frodo)
LBC x 10 OYO

Run hard 0.25 miles to Robbins Park; winner calls the next exercise (Frodo)
Low dolley x 10 OYO

GET YA SOME GAGA (Next 4 segments done on the GAGA track)

Run hard 0.25 miles; winner calls the next exercise (Auto)
Dips x 20 OYO

Run hard 0.25 miles; winner calls the next exercise (Frodo)
Crunchy frog x 10 OYO

Run hard 0.25 miles; winner calls the next exercise (Auto)
Mericans x 15 IC

Run hard 0.25 miles; winner calls the next exercise (Frodo)
Heels to Heaven x 15 OYO

Run hard 0.25 miles to Elevation; winner calls the next exercise (Don Ho)
Burpees x 21 OYO

Run hard 0.25 miles to Urban Air; winner calls the next exercise (Jobe)
Mericans x 15 IC

Run hard 0.25 miles to bottom of Sedgebrook Ln hill; winner calls the next exercise (Frodo)
LBC x 10 OYO

Run hard 0.25 miles around Summit parking lot; winner gets the FKT (Frodo)

Recover recover



  • Today's workout was designed for Beckett; Beckett was not there
  • Frodo won most of the segments, including the FKT, pretty easily although he committed pass interference several times…strong
  • Auto was flyin' and mostly disappointed by most of the exercise calls
  • Jobe crushed this workout with his first taste of GAGA and didn't lose a hamstring
  • Jobe stepped up to make The Vern harder next week; luckily there is no cadence necessary
  • Strong work to all four pax for pushin' hard during the runs. Thanks Frodo for the opportunity to Q at FKT. The rest of November is wide open. YHC hears that Ducky is itchin' to get on the calendar. Thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. You men always make it worth it. Until the next time…