For the 22 a day….Suicide awareness

Event Date

Nov 06, 2021


Three men arrived in the dark to put in some work. This being the Saturday before Veteran;s Day, the Q wanted to focus on our Vets and their sacrifices. A big and sincere "Thank You" to all those serving and that have served and their families.

Warm Up


10 IC Windmills

5 each leg ATG Split Squats….nice and slow

20 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Merkins

Mosey to the back and get a block and mosey back.

The Thang

On October 29th, 2018 Chad Wilkinson, a former Navy Seal for 21 years, took his life. He had everything to live for and most people would not have any idea of his struggles. But that is the problem wth suicide – we present to the world one version of ourselves, we are known to those closest to us in another way, but there always remains that "You" that is strictly in your head and separated from everyone else. When Chad passed a "Hero WoD" was created in his honor and to bring awareness to the difficulties our Vets face. It's named Chad and it is 1000 box step ups on a 20" box. You can do it "slick" which is with no weight, "standard" with 30# or "expert" with 45#. You can do it as a team or individually and there is a foundation that was started by his wife to bring awareness. See this link. #chad1000x

Today the 3 men that came did a round robin Chad with a block in hand (or on shoulder). Each man completed 334 steps ups. We took 2 short breaks for water (at 111 and 222) and "bought" our way back in with 10 hand release push ups. 

This is a grind and, for me, it helps me to think of the implied message of the workout -> "Just keep going! Don't give up." With a son in the Air Force who sees a lot of really horrible stuff, my heart goes out to those that stand or have stood on the front lines and given me a blanket of freedom to sleep under. 

While suicide is not something you will always be able to see the lead up to, here are some warning signs we can all be attentive to in those around us:

– Talking about death

– Looking for a way to die

– Using words like hopeless, trapped, burden

– Increase in usage of drugs or alcohol

– Anxious or reckless behavior

– Sleeping too little or too much

– Withdrawing from family/friends

– Rage

– Mood swings

Finally (sorry for the long post), I think one of the best things we can all do is to ask ourselves, "Am I the kind of person that someone would seek out to confide their problems with?" Do you work to be non-judgmental, approachable, wise, and open? We may not be able to see all the sings, but if we are being the best version of ourselves, then (theoretically) those we love will feel that they can talk with us. And that is where the help begins.

Thanks to Cheetah and Tonka for powering through a monotonous workout design so I could integrate this important message. And to all my F3 brothers, if you need to talk, reach out to someone. Don't give up. Just do "one more rep" and ask for a little help. My cell is 828 228 5450 if I can be there for you.


Numbers 11:14-15   -> even in scriptures we see leaders who felt it was all too much for them to carry. 

14 I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me.

15 And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, out of hand, if I have found favour in thy sight; and let me not see my wretchedness.


Tonka and Cheetah really struggle with counting. 'Nough said.

Always an honor to be with my F3 brothers.
