Putting in the work

Event Date

Nov 10, 2021

7 men appeared to get some work done at Muscle Beach!


SSH, IST, Wind Mills, CP, Arm Circles

The Thang:

20 reps with dumbbells, each exercise, 2 Rounds

  • 1,1,2 Curl / 2 Way bent row / 1,1,2 Hammer
  • Squat Press / Arnold / Clean Press
  • Alternating Wide, Close Handed Bent Row / Bent Fly / Tricep Kickback
  • Alternating Arm to Toe / OH Pull Crunch / Mason
  • Bridge Bench / Bridge Fly Knee to Chest / Boat Press



  • Panthers suck!  Patriots walked the dog against the Panthers and embarrassed them at home.  Highlight of the game was when BOF was walking down and aisle and bumped into Surf.  
  • Natty on IR so no tunes today, we'll have hum today
  • Learn a lot about water heaters today…and Holy Water
  • Q asked where does Holy Water come from and just as he did, the irrigation system came on.  What timing.  Overlook must have a direct line!
  • 911 selling mats again today
  • Great work gentlemen!  It was an honor