Guest Q at the Mighty Oak may have overdid it

Event Date

Nov 24, 2021

I'll spare you the details of another ho-hum workout and skip the good parts. Tammy Faye showed up griping about the cold weather that he thought he had left up North, other PAX assured that there are colder places and that the cold never lasts long here. 

Tammy Faye also being stubborn and refusing to ask for help failed to let anyone know that he got his Covid booster yesterday afternoon. A little past half way through the workout, he was visibly struggling. Made the switch to clipboard coaching and finished it out. 

Highlight of the conversation revolved around the question "What is Don Ho's dogs name?" best response….Auto?

Pax had a good chat at the end about how serious mental health issues can be and how we all need to be aware and diligent to look for those who may be struggling. 

Wanted everyone who was there to know I'm home, fine, and after a 3 hour nap felt much better…even good enough to draft this nonsense.