7th Annual Black Friday Convergence

Event Date

Nov 26, 2021


54 Men rolled into NMP to muddle through the work-outs to get to the beer and coffee.


Short warm-up:

  • SSH X 20
  • Windmill X 10
  • Arm Circles
  • Toy Soldier X 10

Split group in half..

Moses BB:

Mosey to the tennis courts and split into groups of 3:
* partner reverse plank lawn mower pulls to 10
* partner reverse plank Australian pull-ups to 10
Some plank and mentions of thankfulness ensued until all were completed

Mosey to the concession stand at upper field for:
* People’s chair, air presses, right leg over left, left leg over right
* Hip-slappers with feet on wall while pax run around the building until all have run 1 time

Mosey to parking lot by tennis court for 2 rounds of Partner Push & Partner Pull
Some thankfulness and impact stories ensued. 1 round of Makhtar N’Diaye, 10IC

Mosey back to the soccer field.

You can thank Primo(Donna). I was going to use the hill, but he emplored me to keep his feet dry and his shoes clean.
Tclaps Lawn Dart and Blackbeard for pushing Bagboy
I’m thankful for all of you!

Firestone BB:

  • Line up on slightly wet soccor field. 12 stations.
    1. 8 count burpees
    2. Man maker mericans
    3. WWII
    4. Floor Slappers
    5. Golden Ring burpees
    6. CDD 
    7. V-Ups
    8. Power ups
    9. Diamond Mericans
    10. Jump Squats
    11. Bib Baby Crunches
    12. Up Downs / Grass drills
  • Like the pattern of the song 12 days of Christmas the Pax start with one 8 count burpee, run to next exercise, then cycle back to 1 until you are going from 12 to 1 (if you got that far which most did not).


  • Congrats to Popcorn and Bagboy for finishing first in their respective groups. Bagboy donated his beers.
  • YHC has been refining this for years to allow for someone to finish. Key is reducing burpees. It appeared to work finally with several folks finishing.
  • 2nd group either had many more folks pushing it or many more folks cheating.
  • The Force tried to pull the Jedi mind trick by displaying very questionable counting skills. Disqualified.
  • BS calls for burpees, but there was 2 stations of burpees. One station being only 1 burpee? Really?
  • YHC would have called an audible for a wet field except for the fact that half the exercises were on the ground so the entire work-out would have had to be scrapped. 
  • Great turn out by Meca! Thanks for the support!
  • Great turn out at Primal!

T-Claps to Moses for his help every year! It is an honor for us both!