Hanging Around

Event Date

Dec 04, 2021


FNG-1 is Tuner

5 showed up for an awesome December morning workout. 

We started the morning with warm ups. 
25 SSH

15 Windmills

15 Imperial Walkers

10 Dippy Birds

Mountain Climbers

Arm Circles  

Butt Kickers

High Knees


Run to the top of hill and mosey back

The Thang

Mosey to playground

Hang grip test  on monkey bars. Last man hanging wins. Just glad Anvil wasn't there. We finally finished first at something. 

Incline push ups on playground

Mosey back to parking lot

Round 1 

Timer is run up and down LBH


Block curls

Block overhead press

Elbow plank hip touch

Round 2 

Repeat round 1

Round 3

Timer is run up and down LBH


Frog jump forward then backwards. 

Imperial walkers with a squat 

Plank with a shoulder tap

Round 4

Repeat round 3

Round 5

Timer is run up and down LBH


Block curls

Kickstand deadlift

V up roll ups

Finish up and return blocks to playground. 
Do max pull ups then return to parking lot. 

I got to meet Hefty today for the first time. He showed up bearing gifts. New blocks since ours got destroyed last week and also some fun beverages Cheetah and Shirley will enjoy… Thanks Hefty.

All these guys love to run.  I keep hearing about how much fun they have running… Their definition of fun is way different than mine. LOL. 


Things to be thankful for

We have so much to be thankful for. The list could go on and on but here are a few for me. 
The life we have,  my family, my savior Jesus Christ,  the freedoms we have, the country we live in, my friends, good health.

I'm also very thankful for the friendship and encouragement my F3 buddies give me to keep pushing through these workouts even though they try to kill me each week.