3 Amigos Q The General

Event Date

Dec 10, 2021

3 PAX for boot camp




  • side straddle hop – 20 IC
  • ISP – 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier – 11 IC
  • Carrot puller – 10 IC


The Thang:

5 sets of 10 Apollo Ohno’s IC, 10 ‘Mericans IC, 15 Squats IC with a quick lap between each set

Run to wall, peoples chair… Air Press 20 IC… 10 Monkey Humpers IC



#Deep Dish

Jump across the parking line, bear crawl to line across the road, side jump cross the line

  • 10 IC incline ‘mericans

Go back the same way you came

  • 10 IC decline ‘mericans


  • Run up the hill for fun… then back


Repeato – replace ‘mericans with Carolina Dry Docks and some workout I forgot

Run back to the cars


#Holiday – Mary

Yoga time!!!  And Pigeon!

Mountain pose with a full bend after… hold

Pull forward into up dog

Back to down dog

Right leg up… bring it though!!! PIGEON!!!

Repeato on the left side

recover recover



No Q today.  We ran a group workout.

Samsonite – Deep Dish, Holiday, and JazzHands are ready to talk MQ transfer

Prayed for people in need of peace and healing

Really appreciated the paks support of one another today

Need more folk to join us at the General 
