Kayak/Pole/Tire combo parking lot extravaganza

Event Date

Dec 12, 2021


4 men arrived to figure out why a kayak was in the parking lot as a drizzle enveloped us.  

For a short time FNG-1 Justin joined us but had to leave due to some illness, said he would join us next week!


10 x Grandma Maters

25 x SSH

10 x Toy Soldiers

10 x Mericans

10 x Copperhead Squats

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Mosey to back, 10 pull ups and 15 Australian Rows.  Grab Michelle as well as the steel bball pole and mosey back to parking lot. Split into pairs. 

Two pax overhead carry kayak to top of LBH and do 10 coordinated squats while holding kayak overhead.  (Counter)

Two pax drag Michelle via strap to top of parking lot, 10 burpees and drag it back. 

Two pax use steel pole to overhead shoulder press and alternate with squat.

Break is quadradfelia to top of LBH and 30 WWI. 

Repeato for 3 rounds with some minor variations. 

Back to rear playground to return gear and 10 pullups and 15 Australian Rows.

Impromptu return to AO by broad jumping from one concrete path square to the next all the way back.  Crowd pleaser.


Short plank drill. 


“Jesus Wept” —John 11:35

Talked about this verse this past week with some guys in a Bible study.  The connection was with the thought that Jesus experienced our humanity and the sense of loss and struggle we face.  However, another interesting insight I heard was that this also deals with the eternal question of why bad (hard) things happen to good people: Jesus too experienced that with the loss of Lazarus and wept yet on the other side we see the miracle and goodness that came from that.  Anvil had some awesome perspective on that as well mentioning sometimes what we perceive as something bad truly isn’t if we allow ourselves to see God’s overall plan and not look at things in such a small scale as a moment in time. 


-Tonka gritted through the workout despite suffering a self induced burpee injury this week while doing the 100 burpee/day challenge (doing the burpees all at one time!)

-Anvil was at the forge recently and described the construction of a timber chisel and his hopes to start constructing a log cabin in the SVU woods.   

-Cheetah has the wisdom of a sage and the endurance and facial hair of Hulk Hogan!

Fair Winds and Following Seas
