Player’s Choice @ Cobalt

Event Date

Dec 16, 2021


4 men met at Cobalt to start the day off right. Q gave run/lift or bootcamp options out of the gate. Q had a bootcamp workout planned down to the very last detail that would have made Mojito proud. Pax chose the run/lift option. Good thing I wrote down the bootcamp workout to save for another day (maybe a day Mojito joins us???).

Run to Q's house (1 mile) for weights in the garage. 3X through the following exercise circuit:

  • Bench press: 155 lb olympic bar X 10 
  • Dumbbell Pullovers or dumbbell flys: Varying weights X 10 
  • Skull Crushers or Ab exercise of choice: 35 lb kettle X 10+ 
  • Bent Row: 65 lb curl bar X 10+

Run back to clubhouse. One minute left – AYG merkins to close.


  • El Tigre's Metal workout yesterday got some serious airtime. Apparently Tigre put a real beating on the boys yesterday. Sorry to have missed it.
  • History is more interesting the older we get…..go figure. 
  • Extra credit to The Germanator for running to and from workout
  • Supply chain issues putting a damper on some key needs 
  • Thanks to The Germanator for taking us out……well said brother.