The Center Circle

Event Date

Dec 21, 2021


Six PAX showed up in the gloom this morning at Fallout!!  I knew it would be chilly so planned to stay warm but threw in an educational piece to keep the mind warm as well.  For some it was a review, for others it was new info.  In either case, all Pax got something out of it for sure!!!


Mosey around the track stopping at each "corner" for some SSH; IST; LS; and TS

Grab a block!!

Zamporini to soccer fields and circle up around the CENTER CIRCLE:

The center circle on a soccer field keeps the opponent 10 yards away on a kickoff.  After that, it has no relation to any rule during a soccer match.  It does have some unique characteristics: 10 yard radius; 20 yard diameter; 62.8 yards in circumference.

The Thang:

One at a time, each pax picked a block exercise to do knowing that the reps would be 20IC!!!!  We would then repeat the previous exercises and add one new exercise after running around the center circle.  In other words:

1. Hoff's Choice: 20 Curls IC; Run 1 lap

2. Bob Ross Choice: Upright Row: 20 Curls; 20 Upright Rows; Run 2 laps

3. Snake Eyes Choice: Chest Press: 20 Curls; 20 Upright Rows; 20 Chest Press; Run 3 laps

4. Jingle Bells Choice: Rock Those Abs: 20 Curls; 20 Upright Rows; 20 Chest Press; 20 Rock those Abs; Run 4 laps

5. Tantrum's Choice: Rocky Balboa: 20 Curls; 20 Upright Rows; 20 Chest Press; 20 Rock those Abs; 20 Rocky Balboas; Run 5 laps

6. Elmer's Choice: SkullCrusher: 20 Curls; 20 Upright Rows; 20 Chest Press; 20 Rock those abs; 20 Rocky Balboas; 20 SkullChrushers; Run 6 laps

Take the rocks back……Zamporini Style after a short recovery….


Low Flutter x 20IC……Recover, Recover


Tantrum is easily distracted as he found a leftover soccer ball and decided to add actual soccer skill to the workout.  Lets just say running is his strength!

Jingle Bells was happy the workout was over and thats because he crushed it even though he had to dodge Tantrum's bad passing skills all morning

Snake Eyes showed good form in all exercise…..even in his soccer passing technique…..cant beat this guys prayer to take us out!!!  Well done!!

Bob Ross admitted that he only shows to my workouts when I tag him first in the #pb……if you want Bob Ross ya gotta show the love!!

Elmers showed he still has a little kid in him as he and Tantrum got giddy chasing each other around the circle…..great work today!!

Thanks for the opportunity Tantrum!!!!  Fallout is in good hands with you at the helm!

Until next time!
