Festival of Lights, Take 2

Event Date

Dec 23, 2021

Seven showed up to take on the challenge of the Festival of Lights.  *alert*

YHC spent several hours in prep the day before, getting all the notes and blinkie lights attached to carabiner key chains, and showed 30 minutes prior for a "hide the lights" standard.  *bandit*

This is how it went down: 

Disclaimer, Warm a Rama

Arm Circles (See, The Force, they count!), IST, and Mountain Climbers 



Welcome to the Festival of Lights.  You must complete a series of quests, or be doomed to the gloom forever!  Now…

Mosey to the Tennis Court, and then read the quest below:

Once at the Tennis Court door:  

You are at the Bear Cage

There is no walking upright in the bear cage until the light is found!

Your quest: Bear Crawl across the Tennis Court and find the Light.  

If any PAX stands up before the light is found, all PAX 10x Burpees OYO (All pax owe 10x burpees, thanks Frontier!) 

PAX can stand once the Light is found – Now go forth!

Toxic found the Bear Cage Light!

Now choose wisely from the two choices below:

  1. Someone volunteers to Q at The Wilderness on Jan 6
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light and
    2. All PAX do 20x deep Prison Yard Squats OYO
  2. Or, if no volunteers to Q:
    1. Finder keeps the light and
    2. ALL PAX do 20x BURPEES OYO

Toxic found the light, and Ultraman got it down. It was hanging high and outside the fence.

The wrong note was attached, but we pressed on. Toxic has Wilderness on Jan 6

When the exercise is done, read the next quest below:

Mosey to the Playground then read the quest below:

Once all PAX are at the Playground:

Your quest is to climb to find the light!

Hint:  Aim High, like the Air Force, though not as lame.*jedi*

 *merica*FLY NAVY! *merica*


The Force found the Highest Peak Light!

Now choose wisely:

  1. A HIM will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on Jan 20
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light!
    2. And All PAX do 20x pull-ups and 20x dips OYO, alternate as needed (The Force didn't read this part, so some did all 20 in a row, and some broke them up). 
  2. OR, if no one steps up to Q, then:
    1. The Finder keeps the Light
    2. All PAX still do 20x pull-ups and 20x dips AND
    3. ALL PAX do 20x BURPEES OYO

The Force finds the light and has the Q on Jan 20.

When the exercise is done:

Mosey over to the stack of orange traffic cones.*traffic-cone*

Once all PAX are at the cones, read the quest below:

Find the Eagle’s Claw Light.

Hint, it is very close to the cones. 

Ultraman found the Eagle’s Claw Light!

Now choose wisely:

  1. A HIM will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on Jan 27
    1. The HIM that volunteers gets to keep the light
    2. Each PAX will pick up one cone from the top using a claw-like grip
    3. Holding the cone out straight arm at shoulder level, the PAX will walk around the Tree of Life (in front of clubhouse)
    4. Switch hands at the Tree, walk back to the orange barrel   
    5. If enough cones, a PAX may take TWO cones on the quest
  2. Or, If no one steps up to Q, all PAX will suffer:
    1. Finder Keeps the light, but
    2. Finder will carry ALL the cones around the Tree and back
    3. While all other PAX do AMRAP BURPEES until he returns

Ultraman finds the light hand has the Q on Jan 27. 

When the exercise is done, read the following:

Mosey over to the Crab Sand Pit (the volleyball court)

Once all PAX are at the Pit, read the quest below:

Find the Great Crab’s Light in the Pit!

All PAX must Crab Walk only in the pit

Any PAX stands before the Light is found, all PAX 10x Burpees OYO

Hint:  The light is buried at the far end.

Toxic found the GREAT CRAB’s LIGHT

Now choose wisely, or suffer the consequences:

  1. A HIM will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on 2/03
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light
    2. Then all PAX do 10x Shoulder Touch Merkins IC
  2. If no one steps up to Q, all PAX will suffer the Crab’s Curse (a different crab’s curse than you are used to)
    1. All Pax, in the sand, will become Sugar Cookies:
      1. 1x Hand Release Merkin, roll on your 6, 1x LBC, roll on your face – repeat x10 OYO

Toxic finds the light, and YHC (TG) has the Q on 2/03.  Everyone owes 10x Sugar Cookies since Frontier walked around.  The Force and Blackbeard didn't crab walk far, but no penalty for that) 

When the exercise is done, read the following:

Mosey over to Queen’s Corner, then read below: (or readY, as Toxic pointed out.  Stupid typos!) *headbang*

Once all PAX are at Queen’s Corner, read the quest below:

Find the Queen’s Light!

Good news, you can walk normally while searching.  You are welcome!

Blackbeard found the Queen’s Light!

Now choose wisely, or suffer the Queen’s Wrath, and hell hath no fury as a woman scorned: (Wrath is spelled with a W, as Blackbeard pointed out)*computer-rage*

  1. A Him will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on Feb 17
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light and
    2. All PAX do 20x Freddie Mercury’s In Cadence (IC)
  2. Or, if no one steps up to Q, all PAX mosey to the Pain Clock
    1. Finder keeps the light
    2. At 12 o’clock, do 5x Eight count body builders,
    3. Repeato at 3, 6, and 9 o’clock (total of 20x)

Blackbeard finds the light and has the Q on 2/17. 

When the exercise is done, read the following:

Mosey to the Atlas Rock Pile (the Weight Room), then read below:

Once you are at the Atlas Rock Pile, then:

Find the Weight Room Light!

While you are at it, pick out a nice rock

Frontier found the Atlas Light!

Now choose wisely:

  1. A HIM will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on Feb 24
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light and
    2. All PAX do 15x LO, 15x HI, and 15x FULL CURLS In Cadence (aka, The Colt 45)
  2. Or, if no volunteers to Q:
    1. Finder keeps the light
    2. All PAX do 5 sets of Rock Webs
      1. 1x Merkin then 4x shoulder press on the knees
      2. Repeato for 2&8, 3&12, 4&16, 5&20. 
      3. And then do The COLT 45 as well
      4. If you’re going to be stupid, you’re going to be strong.

Frontier finds the light and has the Q on 2/24. 

When the exercise is done, then read the following:

Mosey back to the Tree of Life (front of clubhouse)

Once there, Find the Light! 

Frontier found the Tree of Life Light! 

Your reward is:

Now you have completed the Festival of Lights

And will be rewarded with:


And the Finder (Frontier) can keep the light.  

Low Flutter, Touch them heels (hi heels for Toxic), Amazon Box Cutters, Dying Cockroach, Suzanne Summers, and assorted sit and reach stretches, forward fold, reverse swan dive up…



Most of the moleskin is noted above, so you will just have to read the whole thing.  

Thanks to everyone who came out to participate!  YHC was hoping to get at  least seven, so everyone could find one light and get one Q, so it worked out pretty well.  Thanks to Amen for the chance to lead and fill the Wilderness schedule a few months next year, and get us off to a good start. 

Feel free to make any corrections and comments below.  The mind is the first thing to go… or is it the second?  Can't remember. 

Hope everyone enjoys the booty. The rubber part of the carabiner key chain is for hanging a bottle of water.  I guess you could use the key chain to hide your keys during a post by clipping them under your car, instead of the usual hiding places, like on top of a tire where everyone can see.  (Lawndart, Rodeo, etc.). 

Prayers for Bob (double stint surgery) and Lynn, Ultraman's mom, YHC's mom (cancer) and brother (covid), and all the unspoken prayers.  Everyone is going through something.  Be kind.  

This will be YHC's last post before Christmas, so Merry Christmas!    For Ultraman: (S2K) 

Mariah Carey unwraps 25th anniversary edition of Merry Christmas

Safe travels for all those hitting the road this weekend.  

Be safe, TG sends, 

AYE *merica*