End of Year Review

Event Date

Dec 29, 2021

5 Showed up for a nice summer morning



Right over left, left over right

10 Toy Soldiers IC

10 Cotton Pickers IC

The Thang

2 Laps for Dolittle's two half marathons and mosey to the pavilion.

135 merkins in sets for Strudels 135 post year

44 Berpies in sets for Bertha's 44 Q's this year

81 step-ups for each of us for Bertha's 405 miles of outside riding on the road bike (total of 1,200 including the stationary bike)

50 WWI for each of us for the number of Q's for YHC

mosey to the LP 

Recover, recover

Just a little year in review.

These PAX did a lot more, but some of it wasn't on Strava or a BB. I know there was a lot of Push Pull abs going on and bike riding that wasnt logged. You guys are an inspiration. Thank you,

Dolittle 249 runs for 957 miles. 140 post with 20 Q's. 2 half marathons this year. 

Strudel 157 runs for 567 miles. 135 post with a bunch of Q's. This year he did his longest run for over 11 miles and his is running in the high 8 minute mile average pace consistently. Couldn't do that a year ago. 

Bertha 134 rides for over 1,200 miles. 130 post with 44 Q's More burpees than anyone. 1 month with a Murph on every Monday. 

Shirley 115 post with 33 Q spots. 1,000,000 miles logged in the air. Somewhere around 260 miles (52 x 5) running on Fridays. 1 week with a Murph every day. 

Great year by all. 

Thank you guys for pushing me. 
